Recipe Book For Your Family

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Starting Solid Foods After Breastfeeding

Breast milk is all your baby will need until at least 4 months of age. There does come a time, when breast milk will no longer supply all of your baby's nutrition needs. Full term babies will start to require iron from other sources by 6 - 9 months of age. Some babies that aren't started on solid foods by the age of 9 - 12 months may have a great level of difficulty accepting solid foods. It's actually a developmental milestone when your child starts solid foods - as he is now growing up.

When to start

The ideal time to begin solid foods is when the baby shows interest in starting. Some babies will show interest in solid food when it's on their parents' plates, as early as 4 months of age. By 5 - 6 months, most babies will reach out and try to grab the food. When the baby starts to reach for food, it's normally the time to go ahead and give him some.

Sometimes, it may be a better idea to start food earlier. When a baby seems to get hungry or once weight gain isn't continuing at the desired rate, it may be good to start solid foods as early as 3 months. It may be possible however, to continue breast feeding alone and have the baby less hungry or growing more rapidly. Breast fed babies will digest solid foods better and earlier than artificially fed babies because the breast milk will contain enzymes which help to digest fats, proteins, and starch. Breast fed babies will also have had a variety of different tastes in their life, since the flavors of many foods the mother eats will pass into her milk.

Introducing solid foods

When the baby begins to take solid foods at the age of 5 - 6 months, there is very little difference what he starts will or what order it is introduced. You should however, avoid spicy foods or highly allergenic foods at first, although if your baby reaches for the potato on your plate, you should let him have it if it isn't too hot. Offer your baby the foods that he seems to be interested in. Allow your baby to enjoy the food and don't worry too much about how much he takes at first, as much of it may end up on the floor or in his hair anyhow. The easiest way to get iron for your baby at 5 - 6 months of age is by giving him meat. Cereal for infants has iron, although it is poorly absorbed and may cause your baby to get constipated.

Breastfeeding In Public

Babies that are breast fed are very portable and easy to comfort no matter where your schedule has you going. Many women however, worry about breast feeding in public. The worry of nursing in a public place is normally worse than the actual experience and often times the only people who notice you feeding are the other mothers who are doing the same thing. Many women find ways to breast feed discreetly. You can ask your partner or even a friend to stand in front of you while you lift your shirt from the waist. When you breast feed, the baby's body will cover most of your upper body and you can pull your shirt down to her face to cover the tops of your breast. Some mothers prefer to put a light blanket over their shoulders as a type of cover.

When you are visiting someone else's home, you may feel more comfortable either leaving the room or turning away from people when you first put the baby to your breast. If you would like more privacy, breastfeed in an empty room, car, or public restroom. A lot of restrooms are becoming more baby friendly and they even have a separate are with a changing table and a chair. Several shopping malls now offer special mother's rooms where the mom can breast feed her baby in privacy, which will help sensitive babies who are too distracted by feeding to nurse well in public.It won't take long at all though, before your baby will learn to breast feed without any fuss at all.

An alternative way is expressing or pumping your milk at home and then offer it in a bottle while in public. Keep in mind, offering bottles with artificial nipples in the first few weeks can and probably will interfere with breast feeding. When breast feeding in public, you should always use what works best for you. During the first few weeks, it will take some getting used to, as it will be as new for you as it is for the baby. With some time, you'll have no problems at all. If you don't feel comfortable breast feeding in a certain location, then you shouldn't. You should feel a certain level of comfort when you feed, as the baby can tell when you aren't comfortable doing something. If you show your baby that you aren't nervous - you and your baby will be just fine.

Reasons To Breastfeed

For many years, scientists have been playing out the ingredients that make breast milk the perfect food for babies. They've discovered to day over 200 close compounds to fight infection, help the immune system mature, aid in digestion, and support brain growth - nature made properties that science simply cannot copy. The important long term benefits of breast feeding include reduced risk of asthma, allergies, obesity, and some forms of childhood cancer. The more that scientists continue to learn, the better breast milk looks.  

In addition to making your baby healthier, breast feeding may also make him smarter. Many studies have proved that breastfed babies tend to be more smarter than babies who were fed with formula or other methods. Breast feeding does help with nutrients and the support of brain growth, which is something every mother should think about. The benefits for the nursing mom are just as good as they are for the baby. The hormones that are released during breast feeding will curb blood loss post delivery and help to shrink the uterus back to it's normal size. Long term, the breast feeding mom will have a lower risk for pre-menopausal breast cancer, which is the kind that strikes before the age of 50. The benefits will begin to show with three to six months of breast feeding and increase the longer that breast feeding continues.

By now, you should realize that breast milk is one power packed liquid. It offers more for your baby than formula, or any other scientific creation for that matter. As you begin to plan for the future of your baby, make a commitment to breast feeding him for as long as you possibly can - as it will do both your bodies good.